Portugal 2030

Portugal 2030 materializes the Partnership Agreement signed by Portugal and the European Commission, which establishes the major strategic objectives for the implementation of a worldwide budget of 23 thousand M€ between 2021 and 2027. Portugal 2030 is being implemented through 12 programs that give funding based on the region where they are produced or the field of activity in which they operate.


All the support and incentives available from Portugal 2030


National Production Support Program (NPSP)

Up to 60% non-repayable grants for micro and small businesses in various sectors, with particular emphasis on Industry and Tourism.

IS Productive Innovation

The Incentive System (IS) for Productive Innovation seeks to spur company innovation by investing in equipment and technology that result in increased and more efficient production capacity.  

IS Qualified and Creative Entrepreneurship

The Qualified and Creative Entrepreneurship Incentive System (IS) is designed for projects that result in the establishment of a new business in sectors with strong growth dynamics, such as those integrated into the creative and cultural industries, and/or sectors with a higher level of technology and knowledge.  

IS Internationalization

The Incentive System (IS) for Internationalization seeks to increase SMEs' entrepreneurial capacity by providing qualifying processes for internationalization while emphasizing immaterial determinants of competitiveness.  

IS Qualification

The Qualification Incentive System (SI) strives to increase SMEs' business capacity through organizational innovation, the use of new organizational methods and processes, and immaterial investments in competitiveness.  

IS Research and Technological Development

The Research and Technological Development Incentive System (SI) seeks to boost company investment in R&I in order to foster a growth in knowledge-intensive economic activities and the production of value through the development of new products and services.  

Land-based investments 

The Territory-Based Investment Incentive is intended for businesses looking to invest in new projects and diversify their operations.