Young people exempt from IMT and stamp taxes

New Benefits when Buying a First Home

From Thursday, August 1st, young people up to 35 years old have an incredible opportunity to purchase their first permanent home! 

Total exemption from IMT and Stamp Tax:

Young people who qualify will be able to enjoy a total exemption from Municipal Transfer Tax (IMT) and Stamp Duty when buying their first home. This measure aims to facilitate access to housing for young people and provide them with a smoother start in purchasing their home.

Who can benefit?

  • Young people aged up to 35 years at the time of purchase.
  • Acquire your first permanent home.
  • Have not been considered dependents for IRS purposes in the year of purchase.

What is the value limit for the exemption?

The exemption applies to houses with a value up to the 4th IMT bracket, that is, up to 316,772 euros. For example, when purchasing a house worth 300 thousand euros, young people benefit from a reduction of 13,377.58 euros in taxes! 

IEFP Internship
February 9th - May 30th